Fairfield's next PROBATE JUDGE
should be a PROBATE LAWYER!
For over 30 years, I have DEDICATED my career to probate law and to the people who need the services of the court. It would be my honor to serve Fairfield as Probate Judge and carry on the legacy of Judge Dan Caruso and Judge Kate Maxham.
While an attorney at big firms and small, I have SUCCESSFULLY DEALT WITH the complex legal issues that come before the court, as well as the administrative issues of running a law firm. I have the skills to manage the probate court’s business.
Throughout my many years of probate practice, I have gained EXTENSIVE EXPERIENCE in dealing with state agencies, financial institutions and health care institutions; and BUILT STRONG WORKING RELATIONSHIPS with accountants, attorneys, court staff, social workers and health care providers – all of whom are involved in probate proceedings.
As an attorney, a woman, a mother, a daughter and a caregiver, I am SENSITIVE to the personal issues that come before the probate court. At a time of personal or family crisis, Fairfield residents deserve a judge who understands their personal, financial and legal issues and can help successfully navigate them.
This is the kind of EXPERTISE, CONNECTIONS and COMPASSION – the hallmarks of our great Fairfield Probate Court – that I will bring to the role of PROBATE JUDGE.
I am COMMITTED to running an AGGRESSIVE and SUCCESSFUL campaign!
I hope I can count on YOUR SUPPORT.

Proud mother of Katy (23) and Chris (22)
– Kathy